Sunday, December 19, 2010

pardon me while I purge

Yesterday was one of those days you don't want to ever have again in your life.  One so traumatic I am awake every couple of hours and this time I was awake with reflection.  It occurred to me yesterday that I am wonderfully blessed. I am married to a man so great I look at him in awe sometimes.  I wonder how I ever got this lucky. How do I deserve him? After a pretty scary car accident yesterday he was like my own personal super hero. When we got home from the hospital it was just the two of us. My wonderful parents took our little girl for the night so I could rest and recuperate. After he got me dinner and a pain pill he sat in the bathroom with me while I got most of the blood out of my hair, and steadied me when I got light headed. He held me while I cried big hiccuping sobs and basically re-lived all of it again.  Then we talked, about all kinds of things. We were all over the conversational board last night.  Something he said to me really stuck out. Even now I'm still thinking and digesting what he said.  

He plays in a worship band at a church that is just starting out. I love to watching him on stage. I can't explain it fully but it's a rush of pride and love. I feel like saying " Yeah, that's my husband up there rockin' out on his bass and praising God and loving it!"  When the band started I had a lot of issues with it because I was feeling like I was taking a back seat to his music hobby. I was very closed to it.  And it caused a lot of tension between us. But last night he asked me to start something while the band is practicing.  His brother was talking to him about wanting the "band wifes" to have a prayer meeting of sorts while the band is practicing. And Dwane asked me very sweetly last night if I would want to start doing that and get the other wifes in on it too.  He said, " I know you don't want to hear this and don't want it to be true, but you are a leader, and the other girls look up to you, and I think you and Niki should start it." He was right, I didn't want to hear that I could lead.  But the more I think about it.... the more I think I could. I have thought about it all morning. I am actually getting excited and I wasn't planning on going tonight to practice, but I think I will.

I started this blog at about 5 this morning and now it's 11 and I feel great!   I don't even feel the staples or any soreness in my head.  My muscles are a little sore, but not bad.

I am truly blessed. In many areas.

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