I think Gene Kelly had it ALMOST right. Singing in the rain may be what did it for him.... but spinning in the rain is where it's at for me.
I look out my living room window with anticipation. I see grey skies and swaying trees. The weather man is predicting a wonderful storm. All signs are good for some rain spinning today!
I find myself looking forward to it so much that I keep stepping out onto my porch and sniffing, sniffing for that first hint of rain.
I have been so stressed out lately that all I want to do today is cry. If the skies let loose a good storm and I can be out in it for a little while... I think I will feel better. I need something in my world to "let loose".
So here I am, watching and waiting with hope of a down pour.
Rain Rain Come and Play!
Take some of my cares away!
(my own version of the rhyme)
Ah Barbara. I loved her so. AND... I think a bit of grass spinning is in order around here too. I love ya, Spinner Girl!!