We have been friends since high school. There were three of us. Jojo, Rae, and Me. We were the CrAcKeRwEeDs! I can not for the life of me tell you what that means. I don't remember at all. But I remember passing notes during all the classes we had together, or writing them in one class only to pass them on in the hall way en route to another class. I moved states away during highschool and they were the only friends who kept in contact the whole time I was gone. I got emails all the time. They were the first people I called when I got to come back home for a visit. I love these two girls dearly.
There have been dry patches along the way, when I thought I might have lost one or both of these girls. But lo and behold, we all come back. Now I have a little girl, who takes up most of my time. Rae has two kids (3 and 6 months) which keep her pretty tangled up, and Jojo is moving right on into the Mommahood as we speak! I love these girls. I loved them in High School when our only real worry was homework and boys. I loved them after we graduated and had Chinese food nights with chick flicks. I can even admit to doing some CRAZY things with these ladies!! Some old stories include cemeteries, and others include male strippers. Whatever the story includes.... it was mostly harmless, sometimes illegal, but ALWAYS fun!!!!!
Here is to you, Jojo!! Push him out! Push him out! WAAAAAY OUT!!!
Welcome dear friend to yet another story!
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