Oh Mahala!!! How much do I love you? There is no measurement!!!!
This whole Blog is for you!
Having a leg with Gramps. I still can't believe I let you chew on a turkey bone! But you both seems to be enjoying yourselves!!
Here is yet another thing I can't believe you put in your mouth! Count them... 8 legs!
Check out the puffed out cheeks on this girl!!! She loves Chinese food, but it kinda grosses her momma out!
Now it's time for Dress up. That is my sweater, tanktop, and bra. She got into the laundry and decided that everything was hers to wear!
And in case you didn't see her... Let's add a reflector vest to it!!!
I love you May Lou!!!
Even if you eat gross things and have a style all your own!
She has a sophisticated palate as well as an extraordinary sense of style. What a woman!!!