Monday, November 22, 2010

without baby

Yesterday my wonderful mom came to get Mahala for the night.  It was fantastic!!   I kept getting calls about all the cute things she was doing.  I also had time to do all the things that get forgotten when she is home, like cleaning that takes longer than a nap time allows.   I can tell you that my house hasn't stayed clean for this long since she has been mobile!  I even got all the clothes that were too small out of her dresser and all the next size washed and put away!!!   I can even prove it!!

See, told you!!!    And it's a clean and organized dresser in a clean and put away room!!

As of now, the whole house is clean.  Everything from my bathroom to May's room!!  Even the laundry.

I miss my little monkey though!  I can't wait to see her when her Grammy brings her home.


The dead car!!!   Those legs are Dwane and Josh.  They are in the process of taking the gas tank out and it's not wanting to move!  Dang car!

My back yard. The snow had not really set in yet, but I thought it was pretty. 

My cute little nephew, Gabe, catching snow on his tongue!   He was so excited that it was snowing.
It was totally a good day for homemade Chili and Cornbread.  
And Hot Cocoa after playing outside!

A very good day!!  Even if the car didn't get all the way fixed. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

dead car and movies

Being stuck at home with no car really stinks!   It's not that I have a busy life or anything. Sadly even if it did work I probably wouldn't go anywhere, but the feeling of being trapped and not getting to go somewhere had I wanted to.... is making me climb the walls a bit.  I can't even go to the library.  Which I love to do on lazy days.  And I'm out of books to read {GASP} and that is killing me!!!    Thankfully Dwane is a movie lover just like me and we have a TON of them!!!  Now if only May would take a nap so I can snuggle in my warm blanket and watch one of those movies!!
Had to add one of May!!

Her new favorite thing to do is to climb into her toy bin!   How cute is she?!?!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

starting out

This is my first attempt at Blogging.  Dwane is watching me and telling me that I need to learn to type and look at my fingers.  He is convinced that normal people type that way!   I think he's crazy, but then again I have had this suspicion for years!

                                                                                      This is us.


This is our wonderful little girl, Mahala!

I think I could get the hang of blogging, given enough time.